While I focus most on food, nutrition, and wellness on this blog, I believe that choosing products that are safe for our bodies to encounter is important, too. Every man-made product in this world affects the surrounding environment, from the air we breathe to how our skin absorbs it. It is important to choose products that won’t make your body react in an inflammatory fashion.
There are hundreds of products on the market that claim to be “natural,” or “organic,” or “safe,” but those terms are quite relative in a country that doesn’t have regulations for cosmetics and beauty products.The following products are items that I have found to WORK but also fulfill my desire for using products without toxins. This is what we use in our home:
Shampoo: Wellnesse Cleansing Shampoo (my very favorite!)
Conditioner: Wellnesse Nourishing Conditioner
Soap/bodywash: Dr. Wood’s Shea Butter Black Soap
Deodorant: Shower Treat Soap or Alvera. Also see my post about natural deos that WORK.
Makeup: Everyday Minerals, Afterglow Cosmetics
Toothpaste: Wellnesse Whitening Toothpaste
Styling products: If I use anything, I use Aveda, which is not the best choice, but I rarely use hair products.
Lotion: Rose of Sharon Acres, or olive oil or coconut oil.
Fragrance: wiggle perfume
Baby shampoo & diaper cream: Earth Mama Angel Baby®
All-around-awesome product for dry skin, eczema, diaper rash, etc.: CJ’s BUTTer.
Sunscreen: Episencial Sunny Sunscreen.
Kid’s Bubble Bath: Everyday Shea
Many of these products can be found on Amazon, but often, I find a cheaper price (and other great natural health products!) at Vitacost.com.
Coupled with a diet that is full of vegetables, whole grains, organic proteins, and with minimal dairy and sugar intake and maximum water intake, I find that my teeth stay white, my hair shines, and I don’t get zits. (And when I’ve had too much sugar or dairy, I get a pimple or two and my scalp gets flaky.) I think it is also telling that I am very sensitive to the scent of artificial fragrances now, to the point where I won’t walk down the cleanser or laundry aisle of any store.
The Bottom Line: what you put into (or onto) your body has to go somewhere. If your body can’t recognize or process it, it will eventually affect your organs. (The skin is your biggest organ!) Less products=less problems.
What are some of your favorite products? Are there any toxic products you can’t live without?
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