A couple of years ago, a naturopath gave The Hubs and I a little tip to promote brain health and heart vitality. He told us to mix a little flax oil with some yogurt and add cinnamon. The thought here is that the body more efficiently uses the benefits of the flax oil when they […]
Natural Health
Natural Allergy Relief
[pinit] Tis the season for allergies; everyone seems to be affected by the intense amounts of pollen the trees and grasses are spewing into the air in the spring and fall. The damp rains of both seasons tend to increase mold and mildew which bothers even the healthiest among us, inflaming airways and creating cough, […]
Natural Sore Throat Remedies
Have a sore throat? Assuming that it’s not predicated by post-nasal drip, give a go at these natural remedies: Sore throat home remedies: 1. Good ol’ honey and lemon. Stir some honey and squirt some lemon juice (fresh is preferred) into tea or just hot water. My favorite is to take a large chunk of […]
From Veg to Omnivore and back again? Part Uno.
Well, this is the story all about how my little life got flipped, turned upside down. I’d like to take a minute, so just relax a bit more, I’ll tell you how I went from veg to omnivore… I’m not perfect, but gosh, I wish I could be! Hee hee. Alright, much of this blog […]
Food and Healing and Food Matters
Some recent studies have been brought to light in the media and they make me think, “Duh!” Studies such as “diet may improve sleep,” “diet may be linked to ADHD,” “food additives linked to autism,” the list literally goes on and on. Why is this new news? Have we gotten so far from understanding the […]
Tea for Health
Whenever I’m feeling “off” (fatigue, headache, anxiety, tension, constipation, etc.), the first thing I do is drink a large glass of water. Then I drink another one. Generally, the source of all my woes is dehydration. I also tend to reach for one of my trusty herbal teas. In the natural health world, teas are […]