While scrolling through my Facebook feed one evening, I came across a photo of a marvelously decadent-looking dessert. Following the link, I was taken to the DAMY Health website, chock-full of delicious recipes for sweets, treats, and meals, too! I was intrigued, so I read on. I realized that the DAMY Health Program was right […]
Natural Health
Prepare for Winter with Homemade Cold Remedies
These natural cold & flu remedies have worked wonderfully for my family, but, like most healthy pursuits, they take a bit of time and preparation in order to be effective. Don’t get caught without them! Please Pin this post! [pinit] Click the name of each remedy below to be taken to the recipe: Elderberry Syrup […]
Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Where I worked as a teacher, each classroom was provided with a wall-mounted hand sanitizer dispenser, the thought being that this would keep germs at bay, and in turn, keep kids from getting sick and from missing school. But for the good that hand sanitizers offer (a quick, convenient way to clean hands and kill […]
When a Bumbo Takes Precedence: Rethinking Childhood Hazards
Last week, my Facebook and Twitter feeds were full of admonishments about the Bumbo chair and its vicious, evil, and life-threatening properties. “Bumbos were recalled!” I was not the only parent/blogger who thought this reaction was a completely ridiculous worry, and I tweeted this in reply to the hub-bub: Bumbos: recalled after 2 dz skull […]
What to Eat & What to Avoid, Take 2: Diet Affects Breast Milk
Months ago, I posted a list of foods to have more of and foods to avoid when breastfeeding, especially in the early weeks, entitled What to Eat & What to Avoid While Breastfeeding. The list got not so much as a glance from many readers until it spread like wildfire on Pinterest recently. Suddenly, a […]
Uncommon Exercises & Sustainable Fun: Go Green Get Fit
This post is part of the 12-week Go Green, Get Fit Challenge as part of the EcoMom Alliance Sustain YourSelf™ Program presented by PlanetShoes.com. I’ve been an admitted slacker in my fitness goals. I give myself credit for activities that *do* keep me fit, but I haven’t been committed to any formal exercise. After attending […]