I just had to send the following letter to the editor of our local newspaper, as well as to the coordinator of the event I mention below: This past weekend, my family and I attended our community’s Pumpkin Festival. I wanted to thank you for creating a family-friendly event that brings together the community, promotes […]
Thoughts to Action
How Did We Get So Far from #Unprocessed?
How Did We Get So Far From an Unprocessed Way of Eating? I’ll tell ya how: the family unit broke down. This isn’t newsworthy; it’s a common fact. But until we take the American family back to basics socially (one parent works outside the home, one manages the home, a village helps raise the children), […]
I’m Judging Your Greenness
The hardest thing for me to understand in the realm of “eco-friendliness” is that not all eco-friendly persons are interested in the type of eating and living I discuss on this blog. I generally think of cloth-diapering folk as eco-warriors. And I think of eco-warriors as veg, gluten-free types committed to organic farming. But this […]
Change One (More) Thing Challenge
CHANGE ONE (More) THING CHALLENGE Long ago, I created a list of the eco-sins we were committing that I wanted to change. This helped reign in my crazy tendency to get everything done at once. I revisited the list a year later and realized we had accomplished many of the goals on the list. […]