Starting seeds couldn’t be easier.
After purchasing our supplies from The Home Depot, we got started on a quick, fun, family project that served as a learning tool, too. If you haven’t started seeds before, check out this instructional video from The Home Depot’s YouTube channel:
Unlike the gigantic seed starter kit used in the video, we opted for windowsill greenhouse kits. As Controller of The Project (and, c’mon, of EVERYTHING), I began by pouring warm water over the peat pellets in our kit. My son, B, loved watching the flat pellets grow into “dirt!” Once the pellets finished growing, B loved poking holes in each compartment to accommodate the organic seeds he picked out.
He just couldn’t wait to plant the seeds! A little tip: when working with tiny persons with tiny fingers, pour the seeds into your hand, separate out 2-3 seeds for him or her to grab, and then instruct the child where to place the seeds. (Otherwise, you may end up with seven seeds dropped into one hole–no bueno.) Once B got the hang of things, he wanted to plant “More, Mom!”
As we placed each seed, we talked about what type of seed it was, and we discussed sizes of seeds in relation to the size of the plant that will grow. Tomato seeds are tiny, as the fruit of a tomato plant are relatively small. Conversely, squash seeds are pretty big, and the plants need lots of space to grow the long vegetables.
Over the next few days, B carefully watched his tiny seeds sprout into future veggies! He did a small gasp when he saw green leaves poking through the soil: “Wow, Mom! Look!” as he tried to pet the miniature plants. We can’t wait to see our garden grow!
It’s home improvement time, and The Home Depot has everything you need to #DigIn for Spring. No matter what projects you want to tackle, they have great values on all you need. They’re ready to help you with renovation ideas and expert advice, too. Get over $300 in email exclusive savings each year, sneak peeks on new products, monthly lawn & garden ideas for your region and access to The Home Depot’s gardening experts. Click here to join the world’s largest garden community today! Or go to to see some of the many benefits of membership.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Home Depot.
I’ll have to check these out. Our tomato plants (seedlings, really) from Target just died (caretaker error, to be sure) and my son is disappointed.
Believe me, Carrie. I am hoping these seeds are still going strong when it’s time to plant! I am Mrs. Brown Thumb, for sure.
Once they get about 4 leaves, replant them into bigger pots. Watch to make sure those pods don’t dry out.
Thanks, Anna! These are tips I need!