If you haven’t read my review of Kelly Wels’ book Changing Diapers, please do! I find it to be an invaluable resource for those who cloth diaper and for those new to cloth. Kelly Wels is not only sponsoring today’s giveaway, but Changing Diapers will be a featured item in my Merry Fluffy Christmas Giveaway Package! If you can’t wait for the giveaway, CLICK HERE to purchase Changing Diapers for just $17.95. It makes a great gift for moms- and dads-to-be!
In honor of the book’s release, Kelly Wels and Changing Diapers are giving away a Fuzzibunz One-Size Diaper and a “I’m a Hip Mom and Love Cloth Diapers” temporary tattoo! Enter below and make sure you get a copy of Changing Diapers–let’s help Kelly spread the word about cloth!
I can’t wait to read the book!
I checked out “Changing Diapers” from my local library. If only I could get my mother to read it and become more welcoming to CDing.
I love that it shares so much information about cloth diapering. I was so lost when I started, it would have helped me out for sure!