Happy Halloween!
As a kid, I adored Halloween. There is an actress inside of me that lives for this October night that celebrates costuming and attention-mongering. Most of my trick-or-treating days were spent stomping the streets with my gaggle of cousins, collecting mounds of, well, Mounds and Reese’s Cups. (And Smarties. Ugh–who decides THAT’S a good idea?) While my parents were quite diligent with limiting the amount of sugar my brother and I imbibed, the thought of the amount of processed sugars, hydrogenated oils, preservatives and artificial colors we ingested in our childhood makes me shudder.
Not ever being one to ignore a good sweet-tooth craving, though, it’s been a tiny bit tough writing a blog with the word “healthful” in the title without getting the side-eye from even my husband. I’ve been trying to stick to the October Unprocessed Challenge this month, but when I’m allowing myself some straight sugar, I reach for these favs, one from each category of candy!
The Ginger People Original Ginger Chews–chewy, spicy, not-too-sweet. Read: addicting!
Hard Candies
Yummy Earth Hard Candies and Lollipops–-organic ingredients and no artificial coloring; yummy is right!
Dagoba ChocoDrops–73% cacao means tons of antioxidant benefits but no bitterness. Organic and fair-trade, too. Delish.
Peanut Butter
Newman’s Own Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups–My answer to my childhood Reese’s. (Does anyone else say “Ree-sees” and irritate everyone around them? :))
Panda Black Licorice–You don’t like black licorice?! Talk to the hand.
I intentionally left out my most beloved candy, mainly because there is not one redeeming quality about it other than it is CandyLand come alive in my mouth. Can you guess what it is? What’s your favorite Halloween treat?
Haha! Too funny!
I’ll have to check out some of those candies… although… not the back licorice. I guess I have to talk to the hand 🙂
Your favorite candy….gumdrops?? Thats the only thing I think of when it comes to Candyland. My fave is Milky Way Midnight, though I haven’t had one in a long while.
You’re close with gumdrops. And I see we not only share a name but a love for dark chocolate 🙂
Oh yeah! Soooo yummy!
Hmm.. . Starburst? And yes, I am completely annoyed when people say “ree-sees.”