“I read that there are “acceptable levels” of chlorine and other contaminants in water. I forgot about it until my wife had her second miscarriage, and that’s when my mind went back to that glass of water. I started thinking, what could conceivably be in that? Could there be something that causes adverse health effects, or at least adds to them?”
A particularly bad-tasting glass of water and—much more seriously, two miscarriages by his wife—led Ed Brown to wonder about chemicals in our day-to-day environment. He set out on a toxic journey to create his debut film, Unacceptable Levels—an award-winning film about the chemicals in our bodies and how they got there.
Globally, disease rates are on the rise. Theories about the causes abound, yet the issues are complex and often muddied by the maneuvering of political and corporate interests.
Unacceptable Facts:
- Autism now affects one in 50 children.
- Cancer is the leading cause of death (after accidents) in children younger than 15 years in the United States.
- In the last twenty years, the rates of asthma, allergies and ADHD are on the rise:
-400% increase in allergies
-300% increase in asthma
-400% increase in ADHD - $1.7 Trillion of the GDP is spent on treating disease every year.
The film dissects the ways chemicals saturate our homes and environment amid a backdrop of a glaring lack of regulation. It chronicles the results of the post-WWII chemical boom and details common avenues of exposure, from food to fluoride to toxic sludge.
Ed is touring the country this summer, with a bicoastal premiere June 12 at the ArcLight Hollywood in California and at the Avon Theatre in Stamford, Connecticut. He’ll be joined in Hollywood by Mariel Hemingway, Gary Hirschberg and other passionate environmentalists to inspire others to take action.
The L.A. World Premiere is invite only. But, the first 50 to show without an invitation will get in free! Tickets for the Connecticut premiere can be purchased here.
Premiere screenings in several other key cities: Austin (August 3rd), Boulder (July 16th), Chicago (July 24th), San Francisco (July 10th- 11th), and Washington DC (June 20th).
To find a screening in your area, visit UnacceptableLevels.com. New screenings will be added, so be sure to check back often.
Not only is Unacceptable Levels doing great things by spreading awareness,
There’s a Giveaway For You!
Help spread the word about this exceptional film for a chance to win an Unacceptable Levels gift basket (includes a DVD plus an array of non-profit vetted products)!
Just follow these steps:
1. Follow Unacceptable Levels on Facebook and share their Facebook Page and this blog post with your friends at least once by June 10th.
2. Follow Unacceptable Levels on Twitter and tweet this blog post. Be sure to add the hashtag #UnacceptableLevels or #ULFilm
3. Leave a comment at the bottom of this post telling us you shared on Facebook and Twitter. Please include a link to your Facebook post and Tweet!
How do you work to reduce toxins in your everyday environment?
Pesticides, heavy metals, fuels and medications taint our water supply and effect our bodies. We continue to dump in the ocean thinking that there will be no consequence….. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
I’m in…. here’s my links 🙂 …. thanks for spreading awareness!
https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Healthy-Elephant/153593551362407?ref=tn_tnmn, https://twitter.com/HealthyElephant
I shared this on Facebook (not sure how to share the link but here is my attempt: https://www.facebook.com/groups/518635241507683/) and on Twitter https://twitter.com/cmbnmn/status/342302877458501632