Something From Nothing Meal of the Week: My dad always said my mom’s best meals were the ones she made when, supposedly, there was “nothing to eat in the house.” My mother is the Queen of Something From Nothing. I try to emulate her tactics using wholesome ingredients. I hope these meal ideas keep you […]
Grandmom’s Chocolate Cake
My grandmother knew a little somethin’ about pizzazz: she always added something extra to things, a special topper on a package, a pretty brooch to a jacket, a secret ingredient to a recipe. Her chocolate cake is coveted by everyone in the family for its dense texture and chocolate flavor that isn’t overly sweet. Paired […]
How Now, Organic Cow? — The Organic Milk Shortage and Why You Should Care
In case you haven’t noticed (I hadn’t–not being a milk drinker), there is currently a nationwide shortage of organic milk. You may not see the effects at the moment, but stores in the East and Southeast, namely the Publix and Wegmans chains, are unable to stock milk to keep up with the demand for an […]
Getting Out of the Holiday Haze: a Safe Detox
The winter holidays are officially over in my mind, but I thought an after-holiday post might be timely with the arrival of January 6th. When I was growing up, we didn’t take down our Christmas decorations until the celebration of The Three Kings, or The Epiphany, which occurs on that date. Since “epiphany” holds two […]
Off-Topic Tuesday: Do you know what #autism looks like? #OTT
Do you know what autism looks like? I can’t say that I do. After teaching in a public high school for seven years, I can maybe say I can spot signs of kiddos who have problems with social cues. I can identify a student who might exhibit signs of what might be autism. I know […]
Join Me in 2012!
The new year is bringing a few inspiring events in which I hope you will join me! The first is the Get Real in 2012 Challenge where the folks at Once a Month Mom are challenging you to change your eating to an unprocessed diet. If you’ve been following along, you know I participated in […]