Thanks for visiting Healthful Mama today! If you Subscribe to HealthfulMama by Email, I’ll send you my Good Choice Shopping List to help you stay on track with healthful eating. Enjoy! I stumbled upon Andrew Wilder’s site Eating Rules by recommendation of a friend. (And then had one of those blogger moments when you realize […]
Homemade Cold Remedy
A family member recently emailed me a recipe for a tonic she used with success last cold and flu season: Hair Raising Cider from Rosemary Gladstar’s book, Vibrant Health. I read the recipe, and, not being one to shy away from a good home remedy (read my posts about Allergy Relief or Sore Throat remedies), […]
You’re Three Ingredients Away from Better Health
A couple of years ago, a naturopath gave The Hubs and I a little tip to promote brain health and heart vitality. He told us to mix a little flax oil with some yogurt and add cinnamon. The thought here is that the body more efficiently uses the benefits of the flax oil when they […]
SFN Meal O’ the Week: Throw It All In Chicken
Something From Nothing Meal of the Week: My dad always said my mom’s best meals were the ones she made when, supposedly, there was “nothing to eat in the house.” My mother is the Queen of Something From Nothing. I try to emulate her tactics using wholesome ingredients. I blog each week about whichever meal […]
I’m Judging Your Greenness
The hardest thing for me to understand in the realm of “eco-friendliness” is that not all eco-friendly persons are interested in the type of eating and living I discuss on this blog. I generally think of cloth-diapering folk as eco-warriors. And I think of eco-warriors as veg, gluten-free types committed to organic farming. But this […]
Change One (More) Thing Challenge
CHANGE ONE (More) THING CHALLENGE Long ago, I created a list of the eco-sins we were committing that I wanted to change. This helped reign in my crazy tendency to get everything done at once. I revisited the list a year later and realized we had accomplished many of the goals on the list. […]