A few quick tips to help you continue feeling healthy:
For Heartburn (I learned many of these from being pregnant!):
1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/2 c. water–Mix together until dissolved–Drink.
Eat papaya. The enzymes in it reduce the acid that causes heartburn.
Try drinking a tablespoon or so of aloe vera juice. (Do this before a meal to prevent heartburn, too.)
Avoid eating other acidic foods such as: onions, tomatoes, alcohol, caffeine, citrus fruits, soda
For a Hangover:
DRINK WATER. Get rehydrated.
The perfect breakfast for a hangover: eggs, whole grains, and spinach. Protein, fats, fiber, vitamin C. I eat a savory breakfast like this quite often.
REST. Let your body do the work. Over-the-counter “remedies” only cause your body to work harder to process them. Headaches and nausea associated with hangovers can only be remedied by getting your body re-balanced.
Next time, know your triggers and your limits and prevent feeling sick by avoiding those foods and drinks!
What’s your favorite “vice” food?
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The short cut for this one is to drink a lot of water. Drink a glass of water one hour before meal. 🙂
The key to feeling better about anything is generally “drink water!” =D
I am currently at the end of my pregnancy and have had terrible heartburn the last few months. I wish I had known these remedies earlier!
Good Health to you for the rest of your pregnancy!