#FluffyXmas is the hashtag to follow for all things Merry Fluffy Christmas! I introduced you to this event a few weeks ago, and Eco Sprout is the second of three sponsor highlights I’ll be revealing before the kickoff: December 1st!
I knew I was going to like Eco Sprout detergent.
I received a small sample with a cloth diaper order I placed and used it to soak The Bear’s diapers, as per the included instructions. As I removed the diapers from the washing machine, what progressed was a pantomime nothing short of something you might see in a cartoon: I shoved my entire face into a diaper and took a large, inhaling, sniff.
*cue Hallelujah choirs and fireworks*
NO.SMELL. Nothing. Zero. Not even, “This smells pretty clean [but there is a lingering funk I know will return once this diaper gets wet].” I kept sniffing at the diapers the way a warthog scrounges through dirt hunting for food. But I was hunting for ammonia stink. I got nothin’.
As if “incredibly effective” weren’t enough words to seal the fate of my future relationship with EcoSprout detergent, I learned a bit more about the company:
Eco Sprout is 100% natural and biodegradable. It is also free from dyes, brighteners, enzymes, phosphates and is SLS free. In a word: safe! On top of all of that, EcoSprout was invented by a SAHD (stay-at-home-dad), which is a refreshing factoid in a sea of cloth-diapering businesses run by women. Moreover, washing with Eco Sprout detergent is simple.
The first step is to give your diapers a deep cleaning soak to remove any residual build-up from other detergents. Afterwards, the wash routine is clear-cut and doesn’t require any guesswork. Read both sets of wash instructions on the Eco Sprout site.
The detergent comes in various scents, including seasonal scents and an unscented option. I was sent the Green Tea scent and I must say that it is heavenly: clean, bright, and refreshing. If you’re like me and addicted to smelling things, you might consider the sampler. 🙂
Speaking of smells, I have since washed the diapers twice in EcoSprout Detergent and we have had nothing but clean, fresh diapers. Even the pail and the wetbag no longer waft that faint scent of “pee-pee.”
EcoSprout, along with the Changing Diapers book by Kelly Wels, got our family back on track with cloth diapering. Coincidentally, EcoSprout detergent is one of the recommended detergents in the book. I’m not the only one who agrees that Eco Sprout is awesome!
Eco Sprout can be purchased in various sizes, depending upon your needs. A 48 oz bag (48-96 loads) is $13.98. Visit the Eco Sprout website to view all of your options, as well as their Pail Freshener, Bottom Balm+, and Bottom Spray. With the company’s commitment to environmentalism and safety, I can guess that these products are just as worthwhile as Eco Sprout’s detergent!
Come back on December 1st for your chance to win a 24 oz bag of detergent and a stick of Bottom Balm+ during the Merry Fluffy Christmas Event!
My favorite brand of detergent! I discovered Eco Sprout at the Great Cloth Diaper Change event (got a sample or two) and now I use it on ALL my family’s clothes.
I love Ecosprouts too! I had such bad stink issues with Rock N Green so I decided to do some research and lot of people told me they love Ecosprouts so I tried it, and I’ll never switch!
We are huge fans of eco sprout laundry detergent at my house. I love the scents and how great it is on my LO’s skin! I am planning to try the Bottom balm soon.