Who says working out and staying fit has to be routine? True, creating routine helps keep fitness present in every day life, but, you know, that doesn’t always work for me. I’ve admitted that I’m not a person who sticks to schedules very well and I need to embrace that. Thinking I’ve been bad at my progress with this challenge, I took a look at what I’ve done and realized physical activity is definitely more present in my life; I haven’t been giving myself enough credit.
Week 1: Kayak paddle over 2 miles, beach walk/jog 1 mile
Week 2: Kayak paddle over 2 miles, weight training, and dancing (almost) non-stop at a concert for three hours
Week 3: Coming up! I have more kayaking planned, hope to get back on track with weight training, and if the heat breaks, I’d love to jog on the beach again.
In between these activities, I chase after, wrestle, and dance with a two-year old daily. I spend a good amount of time on my feet, admittedly barefoot, cooking in the kitchen. It’s not hardcore fitness, but I’m not stagnant. Adding in the activities I listed above is already making a difference, and there are plenty of weeks left in the challenge to complete my goal of increasing strength and endurance!
I encourage you to evaluate your everyday activities and give yourself credit for being mobile. Did you weed the garden yesterday? Did you haul in a ton of groceries up a flight of stairs? How about picking up your 20 lb kiddo? How many times a day does that happen? GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT first, then think of ways to add in a bit more activity (a 20-minute workout per day, say, or ten minutes in the morning and ten at night). It could be the start of a…(gag)…routine.
I stay mobile chasing my toddler. Haha. On a serious note, we take family walks every night around the neighboor–it’s good for my physical AND mental health. – Nicole