My dad always said my mom’s best meals were the ones she made when, supposedly, there was “nothing to eat in the house.” My mother is the Queen of Something From Nothing. I try to emulate her tactics using wholesome ingredients.
I blog each week about whichever meal I’ve created from “nothing.” When it’s the night before grocery day and I’ve got a bunch of leftovers, it’s time to throw something easy and quick together. I hope these meal ideas keep you from resorting to that can o’ condensed soup casserole or, even worse, fast food!
The photos are really the meals I cooked; I just may edit them for bad lighting 😉 Feel free to add ideas or ingredients in the comments area. I’m always up for something new!
This week’s meal:
Guests Are Gone Fried Rice & Shrimp
- Leftover rice, grilled green beans, and shrimp from last night’s dinner
-Pre-cooked white rice (Made it for the kiddo a day earlier for his upset tummy; otherwise use brown rice.)
-Leftover grilled green beans
-Leftover steamed shrimp
-garlic, minced
-1 egg (optional–I didn’t because I forgot.)
-canola oil
-toasted sesame oil
Heat 2T of canola and 1/2T toasted sesame oil over med heat. Add garlic, beans, and rice. Heat through. Lower heat a bit. Add shrimp (and egg, if using). Stir and heat through, making sure to thoroughly cook the egg. Add siracha to taste.
Dinner: Done.
Oh my goodness, this looks so good!